A sore throat is a painful, dry, or scratchy feeling in the throat. Pain in the throat is one of the most common symptoms. Most sore throats are caused by infections, or by environmental factors like dry air. Although a sore throat can be uncomfortable, it’ll usually go away on its own. Most sore throats are caused by viruses or mechanical causes (such as mouth breathing). Any sore throat that has a rapid onset and is generally associated with a fever or tenderness of the front of the neck may be serious and should be seen by an ENT specialist .Any sore throat that lasts for more than a week should be consulted by an ENT specialist or doctor. Sore throat or pain in throat can be divided into 3 categories.
Pharyngitis: It affects the area right behind the mouth.
Tonsillitis: It is is swelling and redness of the tonsils, the soft tissue in the back of the mouth.
Laryngitis: is swelling and redness of the voice box, or larynx.
Cold, Flu and Viral Infections: Seasonal Flu, cold and viral infection are one of the most common reasons for throat pain. Generally patients with these conditions should consult and ENT specialist or doctor to get the best treatment.
Bacterial Infections: Apart from viral infection, bacterial infection can also cause sore throat or throat pain. The most common one is strep throat that leads infection of throat including tonsils.
Allergies: Allergies are also responsible to cause throat infection and pain. These are the most common patients at Gurgaon ENT Centre that are not diagnosed properly and hence do not get best treatment possible.
Mouth Breathing: When there is bloackage in the nose or the airway then person tends to breathe through mouth leading to dryness and congestion in the throat.
GERD: Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is another condition that is missed by most of the doctors when treating throat pain. It is basically acid reflux to the throat leading to swelling and irritation. At Gurgaon ENT Centre, India we have seen that GERD is basically a lifestyle disease and can be treated through certain medication and lifestyle modifications.
The symptoms of throat pain that require a visit to ENT specialist or doctor are:
- Severe throat pain
- Unable to swalllow
- Choking feeling
- Restlessness
- Feeling of something stuck in throat
The treatment for sore throat at Gurgaon ENT Centre, India depends upon the reason which is causing the throat pain. In case it is just an infection then you would probably be prescribed some anti inflamatory along with anti-biotics or anti viral if required. One thing is very important in the treatment i.e. steam inhalation (through nose, mouth should be closed) and deep breathing exercises. Steam is not a medicine but very effective in throat pain treatment. In case the reason is tonsils then we give antibiotics and wait for 5 to 7 days to see if tonsils get reduced and if not then Dr Priyanjana our chief of ENT will perfom tonsillectomy. In case the problem is due to nasal blockage then doctor would like to rule out any blockage in airway due to deviated nasal bone by getting a CT PNS done. If there is a deviated nasal bone causing blockage in airway then you might be advised septoplasty for correction. GERD requires some ani reflux and Antacid medications and major change in lifetsyle habit.