A normal ear infection can become really complicated taking the infection to the middle ear. This could be really painful and lead to hearing loss as well as continous discharge from the ear. A mastoidectomy is an operation to remove an infection or skin growth behind your eardrum together with the surrounding (mastoid) bone.
Mastoid surgery is performed when infections in the middle ear spread to the mastoid cavity. Commonly a pocket of skin develops on the ear drum and may invade the middle ear and subsequently the mastoid.
Mastoidectomy is one of the best and most commonly used procedur ein case if Chronic Otitis Media (COM), with or without cholesteatoma, is one of the more common indications for performing a mastoidectomy. Patients with chronic otitis media often present with otorrhea and progressive hearing loss. Mastoidectomy permits access to remove cholesteatoma matrix or diseased air cells. In addition, mastoidectomy often provides access to the temporal bone which are more challenging to visualize through the external auditory canal (ie, supratubal recess, epitympanum, facial recess, perilabyrinthine air cells, retrofacial air cells).
The mastoidectomy surgery at Gurgaon ENT Centre India is done using mainly two approaches: - Cortical Mastoidecomy : In cortical mastoidectomy our ENT Surgeon Dr Priyanjana Sharma opens your mastoid bone, removes the infected air cells, and drains your middle ear. This is done n case the infection is not very severe or the ENT surgeon is not suspecting a cholesteatoma. The surgery is sometimes accompanied with tympanoplsty
- Modified Radical Mastoidectomy : Modified Radical Mastoidectomy is less severe form of radical mastoidectomy that involves removing mastoid air cells along with some, but not all, middle ear structures. This is done when the severety of infection is high and need drilling of the mastoid bone and removing the disease from the mastoid bone. The classic sypmtoms for this is continous discharge from the ears. This is always accompanied by tympanoplasty. Sometiems Dr Priyanjana our best ENT surgeon at Gurgaon ENT Centre will perform the tympanoplsty surgery in one sitting but in some cases these two surgeries will be separated by about 4-6 weeks. The decision is taken keeping in mind the best outcomes possible and in the best interest of the patient.